Over 1,000 drivers across Europe participated in a recent survey on driving at night and shockingly 81% admitted to being scared whilst driving at night, rising to 87% for women. More than half of these people stated that poor night vision is a concern and can cause stress when driving late at night and a third worried about the increased chances of having an accident at night.

To try and make you feel more comfortable on the roads we have pulled together the below tips for driving at night:

  • Ensure windows and mirrors are clean. By doing this you are avoiding condensation and any other problems that could affect your visibility.
  • On unlit roads make sure to use your full beam and dip if there is oncoming traffic, the full beam will help increase visibility and reduce the chance of an accident.
  • Make sure to schedule regular optician appointments to check vision.
  • Clean all exterior lights before driving at night and make sure to travel with spare bulbs, this will help prepare for any unexpected bulb breakages.
  • Make sure to have regular breaks whilst driving, do not drive when you are tired and do not drive for more than 2 hours without having a break.