Our Pedigree in Colour
MAXMEYER® brand has a history of passion for colour. Right from its foundation in Milan in 1895, it produced a colour paint product by dispersing powder into linseed oil. The mix of colour and protection paved the way for future developments.
During the 1930s and up to the 1980s, MaxMeyer brand worked hand in hand with the Italian automotive industry. Fiat and Alfa led the world in the design of luxury models and sport cars. MaxMeyer brand supported the industry by developing customised products and finishes from fine enamels to baked enamels that delivered durability and colour.
Over the last century, MaxMeyer brand has become a major international refinish provider, keeping true to its original philosophy: to improve the business for its customers by delivering high-performance products that are easy to use.
In future, MaxMeyer brand products will remain the industry benchmark for offering excellent results simply and effectively.